Selasa, 07 Juni 2016



The following words are often misused by native english speakers as well as non native speakers. Sometimes the spelling are so similiar that people fail to distinguish between them. Others are pronounced exactly the same, but they are spelled differently and have different meanings. Words in the letter category are called homonyms. Study the words, parts of speecg (noun, verb, etc)
Definition, and simple sentence in his list.

ANGEL (noun) –a spiritual or heavenly being. The christmas card portayed a choir of angels hovering over the shephereds.

ANGEL (noun) –a figure out formed by two lines meetin at a common point. The carpenters placed the plunks at right angle.

Confusingly related words

1.      Advice, Advise
Advice : Opinion given someone (noun form)
Advise  : Act of giving an opinion (verb form)
·         She can give you a good advice will make you to be a better person
·         I can find the best way to advise your brother

2.      Affect, Effect
Affect  : Mean influence (usually a verb)
Effect   : End result of influence (usually a noun)
·         This supplement can affect my concentration on work
·         The effect of Tsunami was devasting

3.      Save, Safe
Save     : Mean to keep or to save (verb)
Safe     : Mean giving protection (adjective)
·         Please save this document
·         I feel safe with you

Problem Vocabulary and Preposition
Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions

The following suggestion will be useful in helping you improve ytour vocabulary.
1. Read well-written books,magazines, and newspapers, magazines such astimes and newsweek.
2. Look up every word that are unfamiliar to you in the practice test in this book and in other reading
    material. keep a notebook of an familiar words, write the word,the definition,and an original
    sentences in your notebook and study it often.
3. Study the problem vocabulary items and two-word verbs (verbal idioms) in this book.
4. review your vocabulary word notebook often,repetition will help you to remember the meaning of difficult words

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